Dr. Evren IŞIK | Erkekte Üreme ve Cinsel Sağlık
İlerleyen Yaşla Birlikte Peniste Görülen Değişimler
Publication date : 18 June 2019

Changes in the Penis due to Advancing Age

By nature, the human body cannot maintain its ideal form "despite" advancing years. The penis also differentiates over the years and reflects the traces of time with the changes it has undergone.

Men enter puberty between the ages of 9 and 25, when the pituitary gland triggers the release of male hormone. This change takes place slowly but radically and shows its effect on hair growth in the scrotum, testicles, penis and genital area. Male hormone levels peak in the early 20s. From the 20s to the 40s, the drop in male hormone levels is minimal. When the age reaches 40, the male body begins to produce the sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG) protein. This protein causes the male hormone level to decrease.

Fundamental changes also begin at this point; As the male hormone level decreases, the penis becomes differentiated. The change clearly shows its effect on the hairs, the dominance of the gray begins to be felt. Although this differentiation reminds that time moves rapidly, it is considered as the thing that affects men the least, among other changes.

Effect of Age on Penis Size

With the advancing age, the shortening of the tubes in the penis that provide erection can cause a decrease in the size of the penis. If illusionary factors such as excess weight and skin sagging occur simultaneously, the penis may appear smaller than it actually is. The person can overcome this problem by losing weight or undergoing penile lengthening surgery with the advice of Andrology specialists.

Effect of Age on Penis Shape

With advancing age, some men may experience curvature due to plaque formation in their penis. This problem, which is defined as Peyronie's disease, affects the length, thickness and functions of the penis. Peyronie's disease, which can cause pain for both men and women during sexual intercourse, can be treated surgically. Although Peyronie's disease usually occurs with advancing age, it can also be congenital. For this reason, people's awareness of Peyronie should be increased. Ignoring this problem by those who have congenital penile curvature can lead to psychological traumas in adolescence.

Effect of Age on Testicles

The testicles, which are responsible for sperm production and located in the scrotum, may shrink due to the decrease in male hormone level and the amount of sperm they produce may decrease. If hormone replacement therapy is received during andropause, the testicles may become smaller.

Effect of Age on Scrotum

There are smooth muscles on the scrotum, that is, the scrotum, which surrounds and protects the testicles and is responsible for regulating the temperature of the testicles. As the person get older, the functions of the smooth muscles in the scrotum decrease. When sagging on the skin is added to this change, the elastic structure of the scrotum gradually disappears and sagging begins to occur in the scrotum. It is known that hydrocele formation, which is characterized by excessive fluid accumulation and swelling in the scrotum after the age of 40, also increases scrotal sagging.

Effect of Age on Penis Functions

As age increases, the sensitivity of the nerves in the penis decreases. Due to the decrease in the sensitivity of the nerves, it becomes difficult for the man to reach sexual satisfaction. Depending on the decrease in male hormone level, the incidence of erection problems also increases. Although there may be many reasons for the erection problem, the main reason for its emergence in advancing age is the decrease in the functions of the tubes that provide erection. Even if the penis becomes erect, it may not be able to maintain this hardness until sexual satisfaction is achieved. It is possible for people with erectile dysfunction to be cured with different treatment methods after being examined. In the light of the person's complaints and general health conditions, treatment methods such as medical, shock wave (ESWT) and penile prosthesis can be applied.

Experiencing changes in reproductive organs and sexual life due to advancing age is a part of the natural aging process. It is recommended that people experiencing these changes consult andrology experts and find out if there are measures to improve their quality of life. It should not be forgotten that sexual dysfunctions and penile deformities have different treatment methods and the possibility of sexual problems can be reduced by adopting a healthy lifestyle. 

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