Dr. Evren IŞIK | Erkekte Üreme ve Cinsel Sağlık
Penis Estetiği Fiyatları Neye Göre Belirlenir?
Publication date : 04 March 2021

How Are Penis Aesthetic Prices Determined?

When it comes to penile aesthetics, penile enlargement surgery, which includes penile lengthening and fat injection and penile thickening surgeries, penile plication or Peyronie's surgery where the curvature of the penis is corrected, or penile thickening with fillers comes to mind. Our patients can have a larger, thicker and shapelier penis with these genital aesthetic surgeries and filling application, where we have achieved very successful results with the right patient selection and advanced treatment methods. The success of the results ends up an intensification of those who are curious about these genital aesthetic treatments. One of the most wondered about penis aesthetics is the prices. You can learn the answers to the question “How are the prices of penis aesthetics determined?” from my article.

Penis Aesthetic Surgeries

Operations in which the size or shape of the male genitalia is changed for functionality, such as penile enlargement surgery and penile curvature surgery, are generally defined as "penis aesthetic surgeries".

Men who have reduced self-confidence due to the shape or size of the penis, have aesthetic concerns, cannot have sexual intercourse, cannot get enough pleasure from sexual intercourse and at the same time have difficulty in providing sexual satisfaction of their partners, can become physically and psychologically healthier thanks to penile aesthetic surgeries.

Positive comments made by those who have undergone penile aesthetic surgery and the positive effect these surgeries have on the relationships of couples raise questions about "penis aesthetic prices".

Penis Aesthetics Prices May Vary By Operation Scope

Within the scope of genital aesthetic surgeries, the penis can be thickened with fat injection, the penis can be extended by cutting 80% of the suspensory ligament connecting the penis to the groin, and/or the curvature of the penis can be corrected with different techniques that may be preferred in line with the cause of penile curvature. The anesthesia method, which is agreed by the patient and the doctor, the types of procedures or procedures to be performed, can change the prices of penis aesthetics. Therefore, it would be more accurate to convey information about penile lengthening surgery prices, penis thickening prices and penile curvature surgery prices rather than a general inquiry about penis aesthetic prices.

When planning penis aesthetic surgeries, the expectations and needs of patients are evaluated simultaneously and if it is decided to perform more than one surgery in a single operation, prices may also differ. For example, the price given to a patient who will undergo both penile lengthening and penile enlargement surgery during the same surgery will not be the same for a patient who will only undergo penile lengthening or enlargement surgery. In the same way, the prices of penile enlargement process will be different with the filling applied in the clinical environment with penile enlargement surgery performed under the conditions of the operating room under general anesthesia or spinal anesthesia. 

Penis Aesthetics Prices May Vary According to Surgeon Experience

After penis aesthetic surgeries performed by experienced surgeons who are familiar with penis anatomy, men experience a noticeable change. The satisfaction they receive from their sex life increases, their partner satisfaction increases, and the bond in their bilateral relationship strengthens. When it comes to interfering with an organ where men are very sensitive, surgeon experience becomes the most questionable element. Because if both penile lengthening surgery, penile enlargement surgery and penile curvature surgery are performed incorrectly, various sexual dysfunctions and sensation loss in the penis may occur.

Aesthetic operations for the penis should not be decided without examining the patient reviews of the surgeons in the past period, following the success statistics and conducting a comprehensive examination. Experience and positive references provide important information about penis aesthetic success rates. 

Penis Aesthetics Prices May Vary By Hospital

As in all surgeries, the price policies of hospitals are one of the important determinants on the prices of penile aesthetics. Variables such as the province, district, technological infrastructure, companion wage policies and pricing for the teams involved in the operation may affect the prices of penile aesthetic surgeries. My personal preference is to perform my surgeries in hospitals with A Plus Hospital criteria.

Penile Aesthetic Prices May Vary According to the Quality of Surgical Materials

There is a close relationship between the prices of penis aesthetics and the quality of the surgical materials used in the operations. Factors such as where the surgical materials are produced, whether they have a warranty certificate, their features, brand awareness, and the success of their long-term results can increase the cost of surgery. Likewise, the quality of the materials to be used during dressing may increase the cost.

Penile aesthetic surgeries are surgeries that increase sexual function capacity as well as cosmetic benefits. From this point of view, I can say without hesitation that its functional benefits should not be overlooked. All the factors I mentioned in my article are equally important in the success of penile aesthetic surgeries and in minimizing post-operative complications. Therefore, choices that put health at risk should be avoided.

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