Dr. Evren IŞIK | Erkekte Üreme ve Cinsel Sağlık
Penis Uzunluğu Her Şey Mi Demek?
Publication date : 11 May 2019

Does Penis Length Mean Everything?

Penis length is one of the most sensitive issues for men. All men around the world think about how long or short their penises are after their self-awareness begins to increase. Although the length of the penis is an element that is considered very important and that men attach great importance to, it may not be as effective as the meaning attributed to it during sexual intercourse!

The results of the research and surveys show that unlike men, women focus on the satisfaction they experience during intercourse rather than penis length. To give a percentage, for more than 21.4% of women worldwide, penis length is not as important as one might think. Unless the erect penis length is at the micro level, ie 9.3 cm or less, in other words, if the criteria for the average penis length are met, it does not affect the realization of sexual intercourse. At this point, the problem gains a psychological dimension rather than an anatomical one.The meaning that a man attributes to sexuality increases the pressure felt due to penis size.

Men who do not meet their "expectations" for the length of their penis may experience performance anxiety due to the fear of not being able to satisfy their partners during sexual intercourse. Performance anxiety, which is known to cause sexual dysfunctions such as premature ejaculation and erection problems, may appear as an obstacle to sexual intercourse. For this reason, it is recommended that men do not worry too much about their penis length.

Is Penis Thinness a Bigger Problem Than Shorter Penis?

Although penis size does not drop men's radar, it is accepted that the thinness of the penis affects the quality of sexual intercourse more. The fact that the diameter of the penis is thinner than the ideal size has a reducing effect on sexual pleasure for both men and women during intercourse. If the penis cannot fill the vaginal cavity completely or almost completely during sexual intercourse, the penis cannot press against the vaginal walls. This problem, which affects the pleasure of sexual intercourse, can be eliminated with simple surgical operations. 

Within the scope of penile enlargement surgery, the treated fat tissue is injected under the penile skin after it is removed from under the skin of the anterior abdominal wall, and the penis is thickened. This operation does not create a permanent effect, it can be repeated at regular intervals as long as the active sexual life of the person continues. Since the penis thickens after the operation, the vaginal walls are stimulated during sexual intercourse, making it possible for both women and men to experience sexual satisfaction.

Today, penile enlargement surgery with fat injection is not the only method to increase the diameter of the penis. Penile enlargement with fillers can be performed in a clinical environment, offering a comfortable and effective solution for men who have ideal length values in their penis but complain about penile thinness.

What Do Women Say?

Contrary to the men who complain about the short penis, some of the women care about the satisfaction feeling that they experience as basic, rather than the penis size. Women, who cannot understand the performance anxiety of men whose penis size is considered to be sufficient for sexual intercourse and whose penis diameter increases the pleasure of sexual intercourse, have the opinion that men are "extremely" obsessed with their penis size. While the view that having a longer penis does not always mean perfect sexual pleasure is getting stronger, the view that penis diameter is more important for sexual intercourse is increasingly accepted.

As a result, the meanings attributed to the size of the large penis are not as full as it is thought. If the length of the penis is not short enough to affect sexual intercourse and the diameter of the penis puts pressure on the vaginal walls, both men and women can experience sexual satisfaction. However, those who cannot cross this threshold psychologically can get rid of their sexual problems by applying to penile aesthetic surgeries and applications; they can step into a more satisfying and healthier sexual life.

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