Dr. Evren IŞIK | Erkekte Üreme ve Cinsel Sağlık
Peyronie Hastalığı Nedir? Belirtileri Nelerdir?
Publication date : 05 November 2020

What is Peyronie's Disease? What Are the Symptoms?

Peyronie's disease, which occurs with advancing age, is a health problem that causes penile curvature and pain during erection due to penile curvature, which can make sexual intercourse physiologically impossible depending on the degree of penile curvature. In this article, you can find answers to your most frequently asked questions such as “What is Peyronie's disease?”, “What are the symptoms of Peyronie's disease?”, “How is Peyronie's treatment performed?”.

What is Peyronie's Disease?

Peyronie's disease, which has historically been tried to be explained with cultural and social myths, is classified as a type of erectile dysfunction problem in ancient times. The first medical records about the disease were kept in the 1300s, but the disease was described in 1743 by the French surgeon Francois de la Peyronie.

To the question "What is Peyronie's disease?", I can briefly answer "It is a health problem that is characterized by hard plaque formations in the flexible sheath structure surrounding the tubes that provide erection and causes curvature in the penis". Peyronie's disease may progress slowly or rapidly, depending on the cause of plaque formation. Hard plaques that can be felt when the skin of the penis is touched can be easily noticed by physical examination. 

What Are the Symptoms of Peyronie's Disease?

Peyronie's symptoms include hard tissue felt under the penile skin, penile fistula, erection problems, shortening of penile length due to penile curvature, and pain.

Symptoms of Peyronie's disease may vary according to the course of the disease. In some patients, plaque formation is completed over the years, while in some patients the penis may curve rapidly. As the plaques in the sheath structure, which must move in sync with the tubes during erection, become calcified, men may experience painful erection due to the decrease in the flexibility of the sheaths. 

As with all male sexual dysfunctions, women are also affected by the consequences of Peyronie's disease. When the treatment of Peyronie's disease, which causes both men and women to experience pain during sexual intercourse, is delayed, it may become physiologically impossible to have sexual intercourse.

What Causes Peyronie's Disease?

Although the causes of Peyronie's are not fully known, I can state that there are various risk factors that trigger the formation of this disease.

  • Peyronie's disease is thought to be associated with trauma to the penis. Having an accident, injury to the penis during athletic activities or straining the penis during sexual intercourse can cause damage to the penile tissue. Irregular formation of scar tissue during the healing process can initiate the penile curvature process.
  • Men with a family history of Peyronie's disease may have an increased risk of penile curvature.
  • Men with connective tissue disorders are considered to have a higher risk of developing Peyronie's disease.
  • Age is one of the most important risk factors for Peyronie's disease. The incidence of this disease increases, especially in men over the age of 55.

What Complaints Do Peyronie's Patients Have?

The most common complaints of men with Peyronie's disease can be listed as follows:

  • Pain during erection
  • Unable to have sexual intercourse
  • Erection problem
  • Performance anxiety due to penis appearance
  • Breaks in private relationships

How is Peyronie's Diesease Treated? Does Peyronie's Disease Go Away On Its Own?

Peyronie's disease does not go away on its own. Treatments for Peyronie's disease are individually planned. Factors such as the severity of the complaints caused by the disease, whether the penile curvature continues, whether the erection function decreases, whether it is in the acute or chronic period of Peyronie's disease can change the treatment process.

Within the scope of Peyronie's disease treatment, the use of drug in the acute stage can be recommended. However, the fact that drug use does not treat this disease definitively and its effect is limited increases the advantages of surgical treatment of Peyronie's disease. Peyronie's surgery is considered the only option, especially for the patient group with excessive penile curvature and experiencing the chronic phase of the disease. 

During Peyronie's surgery, plaque structures that reduce sheath flexibility and cause the penis to curve are removed. In place of the removed plates, grafts similar to the sheath tissue are implanted. Thus, the sheath functions and the curvature of the erect penis are corrected. It is possible to apply different surgical techniques during Peyronie's surgery. Which surgical technique will be applied may vary depending on the symptoms experienced by patients, the type of disease, and the location of the scar tissue.

Penile curvature, which is a treatable deformity such as shortness of the penis and thinness of the penis, can occur congenitally or with advancing age. At this point, it is important to know that congenital penile curvature is not the same as Peyronie's disease. Both conditions can cause the penis to curve and prevent sexual intercourse. After determining the causes of penile curvature by urology and andrology specialists, both congenital penile curvature and Peyronie's disease can be treated after surgical treatment methods. 

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